ObamaCare For Dummies

obamacare3Settle down now.
The furor raging all over America surrounding  the October first start to the Affordable Care Act will eventually fade. All manner of speculation has been expressed, and more will likely be expressed along the way. It makes for great gut wrenching talk radio, but it doesn’t matter. The ACA is law. It was adjudicated and sanctioned by the United States Supreme Court. (the court that sanctioned the election of George W. Bush). The law may gyrate and evolve, but it will never go away.

Ted Cruz has latched on to the issue, and with white hot sincerity dripping from his forked tongued lips, he mouths reassuring words to the public, urging them to support his position against their own self interest. As a congressional representative, his medical insurance does not presently involve the ACA, but as an outspoken, high profile opponent to the Democrat’s greatest cause,  it is certainly in his self interest as a Presidential candidate to generate as much acrimony concerning the plan as possible. His grand-standing suits his purpose. His Tea Party cronies set out to wage war and tip the scales by  attacking the

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