A Nation of Negros

It has long been an accepted statement of fact that “one drop of black blood in a child, would magically transform him from a child of mixed race parents into a negro”. Well, apparently to those whose blood is sufficiently blue, we can extend that extrapolation of fact to state that “one drop of black blood in the White House transforms the entire United States into a Nation of Negroes”.

Witness if you will, the case of President Obama’s recent trip to England. Since 2003 there has been a mounting feud simmering between the United States and London, England. The Brits decided to impose a “congestion charge fee” to capture a financial base designed to pay the costs they incur due to parades, protests or state visits. They presented an invoice to the US Embassy for unpaid parking and traffic fines, and the Bush administration pushed back against them – refusing to pay. They labeled it a tax that violated the 1960 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which prohibits taxes on Diplomatic missions hosted by signatory nations.

As stated, this disagreement has been contested since 2003. This issue is cited because back in May, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, driven by a false sense of superiority, had the gall to step to President Obama and ask him for the money, face to face. Obama should have bitch slapped him for his insolence. He’s not even a head of state. He’s more like an executive administrator of a large village, and has no business confronting a President. I am convinced that he would never have violated protocol in the face of George W. Bush. But since he views Obama as a negro, at the helm of a nation of negroes, he felt no qualms about the breach.

Even at home in the USA, it’s easy to see that there has been a record of unprecedented disrespectful attitudes. Remember back in September 2009 during the President’s Health Care address? Republican representative, Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” at the President while seated in the halls of Congress. To be sure, there were many rude and outlandish statements hurled at former President Bush, during his tenure, but never during a session, on the congressional floor in the people’s house. The tempo in congress has changed. The Republicans, hanging on to their narrow majority in the House of Representatives have stated publicly that cooperation with the President will give him an advantage in the 2012 elections, so right-wing talk jocks have threatened them and directed them not to co-operate, even if our economy grinds to a halt. They have seized upon their majority with a vengeance that goes beyond simple partisanship. Their attitude is devil may care. They are hell bent on breaking the USA if need be, by holding the economy down and increasing the suffering of the entire nation – no matter who gets hurt. It seems that they are carrying out a tantrum against those “negro-loving” liberals that put the President in the White House.

That attitude has resulted in a first ever public lynching of the US economy as the S&P lowers our credit rating from AAA, to AA+. The S&P is after all just another market index. Ironically, when they downgraded our credit rating, because they no longer trust the political process, they scare investors out of the bond market, where their only alternatives are to buy US treasury notes, or pay capital gains taxes. Even Donald Trump, one of the President’s most vociferous critics describes the downgrade as a publicity stunt. They have destabilized an already unstable global economy.

There has long been a running joke by comedians about how blacks are known to have bad credit. Now, as a Nation of Negroes, the joke comes true.