Note to Mitch McConnell

Note to Mitch McConnell: NRA Headquarters are in Fairfax VA., and is not one of your Kentucky constituents. Mind your own business.

Wanted Dead or Alive

Sunday Morning News
Trump claims no responsibility for the sucker punching of the young man by a Trump supporter the other day. According to Trump the guy was shouting bad things and giving him the finger, therefore Trump may pay the punchers legal fees.

This effectively makes the puncher a paid assassin and puts a bounty on the head of anyone that dares to exercise their first amendment rights, in opposition to Trump – since Trump will pay per punch.

BM_Tzone2Donald Trump comes off like a 6 year old kid. When asked about the sucker punch, he whines about somebody saying bad things about him. Earlier when he had to face the bully, Megyn Kelly at a debate on the GOP’s flagship foil of a network, Trump decided that he would skip the appearance because FOX was not treating him fairly – which in his narrow little mind means that they would not ask him any questions that might make him look bad. He fights with girls. In his first meeting with Kelly, he ended up making vague statements about her “bleeding”, like the signifying monkey. Everyone knows that he was talking about her being on the rag, but when questioned about the reference, he pretended that he didn’t know what they were talking about. Against his opponent, Carly Fiorina he makes a crude statement about her face, implying that she is ugly. Of course when questioned about it, he slithered away with half answers and basically claims that he is just being bullied by the media.
Moving forward in the campaign, Trump plays the dozens with Jeb Bush. Even while partially nude pictures of his wife the model traverses the internet, he launches attacks on Bush for having to bring his mommy out to hawk for voter support. While he was on that note, he started shouting about former President George W. Bush being a liar and committing treasonable offenses in the Iraq theater of war.
He slaps Cruz around a bit and raises questions about his legal ability to hold the office of President, due to irregularities in his country of birth. “I don’t raise the question, he says. But many many people have asked me the question, and fear that if Cruz gets the nomination, then Hillary Clinton will use it against him. He makes noises that Ben Carson may have pediphile tendicies.  Again he says it and the walks it back, claiming that the media is once again putting words in his mouth.
When David Duke and the K gave Trump, he stood up in front of GOD and everybody and pretended that he didn’t know who Duke was, even though he abandoned his own run for presidential aspiration in the reform party, because Duke tossed his hat in the ring.
Now he claims that Bernie Sanders supporters are responsible for the violent confrontations between protestors and his in-house militia members. The tone of this election has been forever tarnished by Trump and his reactionary voters. For years they have voted against their own interests, hoping that the Republican Party would drive the indigent communities underground, and now Trump gives new hope to their dreams of rolling things back to the 40’s.


The Three Laws of Politics

gop dudes2
 In 1942, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov introduced to the world, the concept of the 3 laws of Robotics. These laws rule the design of the positronic brain of robots in order to guarantee the safety of human beings in their interaction.
The specific rules are as stated:

  • FIRST LAW: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • SECOND LAW: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  • THIRD LAW: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. At some point the 3 laws had to be adjusted to accommodate what is known as the Zeroth law, that adds
    ZERO LAW:  A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

If only our Leaders and Politicians had to adhere to a set of laws that follow these principals and guidelines. Robots must follow their rules because the rules are programmed into their positronic brains and if they fail to do so, it will cause their neural-network to shut down and for them to become inactive. Our leaders can’t be programmed and have only their conscious to guide them and their actions.
     So the crowded field of Republican hopefuls stand up in front of GOD and everybody and virtually race each other towards hell as they all but boast about their intentions to kill the families of terrorists in revenge fueled rage.
 Strike the first law and it’s prohibition against harming human beings from the list.
    In their desire to control the power of the nomination process, the elite Republican establishment has rolled out their old guard – Mitt Romney, the Bushes, John McCain and every pompous, long winded elected official with an income to protect. They have outwardly pledged to defeat Donald Trump and quietly put a target on the head of Ted Cruz, hoping to broker their convention and hand their coveted crown to one of their good old boys, despite the people’s overbearing effort to coronate their own potentially misguided and lethal choices.
     Strike the second law and it’s admonition that they must obey the orders of human beings, as long as those orders do not conflict with the first law.
     And here the very soul of the GOP has fallen into disfavor with the the future, as it threatens to destroy it’s own fraternity, either through arrogant, antagonistic actions or inert, passive inaction in violation of Asimov’s third law to protect its own existence.
 And what of the Zeroth Amendment to the three laws? The one that places the salvation of humanity and its deliverance unto the far side of the next election cycle. Is there any chance that a return to a modicum of civility is possible as we traverse the remainder of the primary process and arrive finally at the Presidential Election.
For those of us that have read Asimov’s Foundation series, we understand the predicament that we find ourselves in, with the civilization potentially in decline. We can fall back on the knowledge that while we don’t know by what name he may be using at this point in psychohistory, but rest assured that R. Daneel Olivaw. already has matters well under his purview.
shadow man5

Trump: “Screw you!”

Trump says that he will screw China, block Mexicans, and Muslims, kill ISIS, and force Israel to accept a deal with Palestine over a ca2016pitol. He has been mute and not spoken about how he plans to screw senior citizens, or blacks, because he is more politically correct than he pretends to be and he’s afraid of those voting blocks. His southern anti-black, anti-jew, anti-indigent supporters just assume that he will rid them of those groups that are shackling America. He has voiced no derogatory solutions to combat the homeless, the JDL, AARP and black lives matter, but don’t you believe that he has no thoughts.

backshadow man5

You da man

Watching this video reminded me of an interview that I saw years ago with Jim Brown. Of course I can’t recall the whole thing, but I walked away with a moral to the story that was highly powerful. The gist of his statement concerned his attitude about running a play during his record-setting nine year career as a fullback for the Cleveland Browns. He talked about becoming aware of the opposing defender, moving in for the tackle. At this point, according to Brown he would turn on the defender and make them pay for daring to interfere with his run. The collision would probably serve as a deterrent in the next play.

I am big on manhood and have little tolerance for any man that acquiesces his responsibility. I recall a young man once that was having trouble in his marriage. He said to me “my wife won’t let me be a man.” I was appalled. I immediately and quite gruffly took him to task for such a foolish bitch made statement. I scolded him and admonished him, because a man should never have to ask permission to simply be a man. I told him that his wife has no responsibility to sanction his manhood. If he is asking permission to be a man, she has every right to deny his request until he can prove his worth.

While I am up on my soapbox, I may as well expand on the story.
I worked for a short time at an internationally known four-star hotel. I admit that I was an arrogant jerk, because the amount of money that I was making was not very motivating. My supervisor brought me in for a chat. One of our problems was that he had become used to managing young hispanic men, with little more than high school educations, and little prospect for higher employment. I had told him that there was a manner of approach that he would need to consider when talking to me, because I was not an impressionable 20 something kid. He stated that “He realized that I was a grown man, but in order to keep my job, I would have to set my manhood aside…”

Again I was appalled and incensed. I told him that “man to man, the very idea that he thought it possible to set manhood aside was troubling to me.” Needless to say, my tenure did not last much longer, but in the spirit of cooperation that he had advised me to adopt, he too was summarily dismissed from his lofty management position – in spite of his propensity to kiss his master’s ass.

In this video, Jim Brown nailed it. The question was concerning racism, nut something far more insidious was uncovered. A man should never seek validation for enforcing and displaying his manhood for all to see – not for them to accept or validate.